July 8 – 19, 2024

405-470, City campus, The University of Auckland

Competition Division

    Junior Special (Lower Primary School): Year 1 – 4 (who are using blocks or AIKIRO)

    Junior Low (Lower Primary School): Year 1 – 4

    Junior High (Upper Primary School): Year 5 – 6

    Senior Low (Intermediate School): Year 7 – 8

    Senior High (High School): Year 9 – 13


Competition Dates 

    Day 1 (July 8, Mon): Creative Standard (whole day)

    Day 2 (July 9, Tue): Robot in Movie (morning) / Robot Formula Racing (afternoon)

    Day 3 (July 10, Wed): Cyber Robot (whole day) / Physical Computing (whole day)

    Day 4 (July 11, Thu): Junior Individuals (Battle Cube / Battle Soccer / Line Tracer) / Senior Robot Soccer Mirosot

    Day 5 (July 12, Fri): Senior Individuals (Battle Cube / Battle Soccer / Line Tracer)

    Day 6 (July 19, Fri): Award Ceremony (B260-115 from 17:30)

    * No internet allowed during the competition. Will be disqualified if you use the internet without permission. 

    * Allowed to use ROBOROBO kit and other parts can communicate with ROBOROBO CPU i.e. HuskyLens for all categories
       except Robot Soccer Mirosot.

    * Junior S group should use ROBOROBO Block Kit (RoboBlock and AIKIRO) only. For example, LEGO blocks are NOT allowed to use.        

    * Allowed only Coding Story for Cyber Robot and Physical Computing. For example, Scratch is NOT allowed to use. 

    * All categories are onsite competition, which means you cannot use prebuilt robot and code (except Robot Soccer Mirosot).

    * Can be disqualified if you have saved code on your computer or try to use them during the competition.

    * Can participate to the pre-registered categories only (cannot register during the competition period), and cannot cancel them.

    * Cannot use any specialized kits or non-Roborobo CPUs for Line Tracer. Only can use Roborobo AVR CPUs.

    * Block Battle Cube Pair of Junior S group should use only 1 remote controller.

    * Junior S Line Tracer will be done in the practice room in the morning,
       then Junior S Block Battle Cube will be done in the main hole in the afternoon. 

    * Junior S and Junior L can select only Battle Cube, not Battle Soccer.

    * Junior H, Senior L, and Senior H can select ONLY one of Battle Cube and Battle Soccer (cannot select both of them).
       The category, which does not have enough students, can be cancelled. 

    * Can participate to Line Tracer regardless of participating to Battle Cube and Battle Soccer.

    * Junior S cannot participate in Formula Racing.  

    * Participants can select ONLY one of Cyber Robot and Physical Computing (cannot select both of them).
       The category, which does not have enough students, can be cancelled

    * For Creative Standard, Creative Extreme, Robot in Movie, Cyber Robot, and Physical Computing, one team can have max 3 members. 

    * Junior S and Junior L can select only Creative Standard, not Creative Extreme.

    * For Robot Soccer Mirosot, one team can have max 3 members (Only for Seniors). 

    * Only the participants who submit their completed robots within the given time can go to the final round.

    * Cannot take your robots back on Day 1 and 2 if you participate to the next day competitions.
       If you take your robot out from the competition venue, you should dismantle it for re-entering and re-make it during the given time.

    * Lunch and drinks should be prepared by students. No food will be provided from the competition with dietary issue.  


Competition Schedule 

    8:00 – 8:30: Registration / Entry check (405-470)

    8:30 – 9:00: Safety induction / Kit & computer inspection

    9:00 – 12:20: Developing round

    12:20 – 12:50: Lunch

    13:00 – ? : Competition round (usually takes 2-5 hours, but it is different from the number of finalists)

    Day 2 will start at the Level 2 (405-222). No use the main room (405-470).
               Robot in Movie will be done before lunch. Formula racing starts from after lunch.

    Day 6 Award ceremony at OGGB Fisher & Paykel Appliances Auditorium (260-115). 
               All ceremony starts from 5:30pm. 


Competition Category and Rule

  Battle Cube

      – Make robots can be controlled wired/wireless on site. Cannot use commercial kit specialized for Battle Cube.
      – Only allowed to use ROBOROBO Robokit ( except omni/mecanum wheels.
      – Size limit: A4 paper size within 20cm height
      – Weight limit: 3Kg
      – Competition ground and object types will be announced in the competition. 
      – Move different objects on the competition ground to the goal position within a minute.
      – Junior students can push the objects, but Senior students should grab and lift the objects to put them into the basket. 
      – One robot can carry max 3 objects at once, otherwise get penalty. 
      – Can use wireless as well as wired control, which should be long enough not to pull the robot, otherwise get penalty.
      – Penalty is stopping for 10 seconds and restarting from the starting point.
      – Scores are different from object types, which will be announced in the competition.
      – The team who get more scores within 1 minute will be the winner. 
      – It is a tournament game.
      – Can select one of single (1 vs. 1) and pair (2 vs. 2). Cannot do both. 

  Battle Soccer

      – Make robots can be controlled wired/wireless on site. Cannot use commercial kit specialized for Battle Soccer. 
      – Only allowed to use ROBOROBO Robokit except omni/mecanum wheels.
      – Size limit: A4 paper size within 20cm height; Less than 2Kg. 
      – Weight limit: 3Kg
      – Competition ground and ball types will be announced in the competition.
      – Play a soccer game to make goals and keep the ball for 1 minute.
      – Can break the opposite robots as well as your robots can be broken, but cannot use sharp weapons (can be disqualified).
      – Robot should have at least 2 sides of cube to open when grabbing the ball, otherwise disqualified. 
      – The team who get more scores within 1 min will be the winner. 
      – It is a tournament game.
      – Can select one of single (1 vs. 1) and pair (2 vs. 2). Cannot do both.

  Line Tracer

      – Make robots follow the white line over the dark ground autonomously on site. No manual control allowed. 
      – Only allowed to use ROBOROBO Robokit.
      – Not allowed to use line tracer kits, such as Black line pro.
      – Cannot use non-Roborobo CPUs for Line Tracer. Only can use Roborobo AVR CPU series.
      – Cannot use any other robot kits (inc. customized materials) that makes the same condition for all participants. 
      – Size limit: 22cm x 18cm (no height/weight limit).
      – Each team has three rounds (1 minute per round).
      – Random order for the 1st round, and reorder from the team who has the slowest record from the next round. 
      – Cannot change your turn to run. If you cannot run, you should give up that round. 
      – Can try multiple runs until the time is done.  
      – Select the best lap time among max 3 rounds.
      – Can select one of the singles (1 robot) and relay (2 robots).
      – Relay should have two robots using buttons to touch physically.
      – If the second robot fails, restart from the first robot at the starting point.

  Robot Formula Racing

      – Make robots can be controlled wireless on site. Cannot use commercial kit specialized for racing.
      – Only allowed to use ROBOROBO Robokit except omni/mecanum wheels.
      – Cannot use any other robot kits (inc. customized materials) that makes the same condition for all participants.
      – Not allowed to use any racing kits.
      – Size limit: A4 paper size within 30cm height (no weight limit).
      – Competition track and obstacle types will be announced in the competition.
      – Should consider collision, impact, and crash with other robots, 
but cannot use sharp weapons (can be disqualified).
      – The robot arrives at the goal line earlier will be the winner. 
      – It can be a tournament or multi-round game.

  Creative Robot 

      – Make robots related to the given theme, which will be given in the competition.
      – Only allowed to use ROBOROBO Robokit except omni/mecanum wheels and HuskyLens.
      – No size and weight limit. Cannot use sharp and dangerous materials (can be disqualified).
      – Should do a documentation of your design and develop.
      – Do presentation with demo within 2 mins plus 2 mins Q&A as a team. Time can be changed depends on situation.
      – Can select “Extreme” category if you want to do problem solving. “Standard” category will be selected as default.  

  Robot in Movie

      – Film a story using robots related to the given theme.
      – Only allowed to use ROBOROBO Robokit except omni/mecanum wheels and HuskyLens.
      – A video running time should be between 30 seconds and 120 seconds, plus max 1 min interview. 
      – Video should be less than 200MB, but resolution should be higher than 1280 x 720 with only AVI, WMV, MOV and MP4.  
      – Can use the robots built from the Creative robot category.
      – Submit the final video with USB memory stick.
      – Should do a documentation of your design and develop.

  Cyber Robot

      – Make a graphics-based SW related to the given mission, which will be given in the competition.
      – Only allowed to use Coding Story and ROBOROBO Robokit except omni/mecanum wheels and HuskyLens.
      – No size and weight limit. Cannot use sharp and dangerous materials (can be disqualified).
      – Should use robots. Can use the robots built from the Creative robot category.
      – Should do a documentation of your design and develop.
      – Do presentation with demo within 2 mins plus 2 mins Q&A as a team. Time can be changed depends on situation.
      – Prepare a laptop with HDMI port for your demo.

  Physical Computing

      – Make a graphics-based SW related to the given mission, which will be given in the competition.
      – Only allowed to use Coding Story and ROBOROBO Robokit except omni/mecanum wheels and HuskyLens.
      – No size and weight limit. Cannot use sharp and dangerous materials (can be disqualified).
      – Make a story/usecase with Coding Story only.
      – Can use max 2 inputs and 2 outputs only for Junior, but no limits for Senior.
      – Should do a documentation of your design and develop.
      – Do presentation with demo within 2 mins plus 2 mins Q&A as a team. Time can be changed depends on situation.
      – Prepare a laptop with HDMI port for your demo.

  Robot Soccer Mirosot

      – Make a soccer robot system including vision, strategy and robots as a team (max 3 members). 
      – Follow the FIRA Mirosot rule. 


    Certificate to Top 3 of each division & each category

    Certificate to the Finalists of each category

    Top ranked students get the opportunity to compete in the International Robot Olympiad, represent to NZ (if we have it)

    The International Robot Olympiad 2024 will be held in Busan, Korea (Mid-January 2025)



    Eligibility: Open to all students who are officially registered to the schools in NZ

    Registration: NZRO2024 Registration Page

    Any enquiries:  

    APPLICATION DEADLINE : 10 May 2024 (extended)




    NZ Robot Olympiad Association

    CILab (Creative Imagination Laboratory)



    The University of Auckland

    CILab (Creative Imagination Laboratory)

    CARES (Centre for Automation and Robotic Engineering Science)

    Coding Lab

    Afterscool Co.


    Hi Well Charitable Foundation 

    Sunny Chae, Barfoot &Thompson

    Future Insurance & Mortgage

    IEEE New Zealand North Chapter

    IEEE New Zealand, Robotics and Automation Joint Society


    IROC (International Robot Olympiad Committee)


Previous Competitions

    NZ Robot Olympiad 2023

   NZ Robot Olympiad 2022

   NZ Robot Olympiad 2021

   NZ Robot Olympiad 2020

   NZ Robot Olympiad 2019   

   NZ Robot Olympiad 2018

   NZ Robot Olympiad 2017

NZRO 2024 Winners

Line Tracer Single – Block Kit
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 

Line Tracer Single – Lower Primary
– Gold: 
– Silver:
– Bronze: 

Line Tracer Single – Upper Primary
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 

Line Tracer Single – Intermediate
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Line Tracer Single – High School
– Gold: 
– Silver: 

– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Line Tracer Relay – Upper Primary
– Silver: 

– Bronze: 
– Tech:

Line Tracer Relay – Intermediate
– Gold: 

Line Tracer Relay – High School
– Gold:  

Battle Cube Single – Block Kit
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Battle Cube Single – Lower Primary
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Battle Cube Single – Upper Primary
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Battle Cube Single – Intermediate
– Gold:  
– Bronze: 

Battle Cube Single – High School
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 

Battle Cube Pair – Block Kit
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Battle Cube Pair – Lower Primary
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Battle Cube Pair – Upper Primary
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Battle Cube Pair – Intermediate
– Gold: 

Battle Soccer Single – Upper Primary
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Battle Soccer Single – Intermediate
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Battle Soccer Single – High School
– Gold: 
– Silver:  
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Battle Soccer Pair – Upper Primary
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech:

Battle Soccer Pair – Intermediate
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Battle Soccer Pair – High School
– Gold: 

Formula Racing – Lower Primary
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Formula Racing – Upper Primary
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Formula Racing – Intermediate
– Gold:  
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech:  

Formula Racing – High School
– Gold: 
– Silver:  
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Creative Standard – Lower Primary
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 
– Bronze: 

– Tech: 

Creative Standard – Upper Primary
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Bronze: 
– Bronze: 

– Tech: 
– Tech: 
– Tech: 
– Tech: 

Creative Standard – Intermediate
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 
– Tech: 

Creative Standard – High School
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze:  

Creative Extreme – Lower Primary
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 

Creative Extreme – Upper Primary
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 
– Tech: 
– Tech: 

Creative Extreme – Intermediate
– Gold:  
– Silver:  
– Bronze:  
– Tech: 

Creative Extreme – High School
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 

Robot in Movie – Lower Primary
– Gold: 
– Bronze: 

Robot in Movie – Upper Primary
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze:

Robot in Movie – Intermediate
– Gold: Ella

Robot in Movie – High School
– Gold: 

Cyber Robot – Upper Primary
– Gold: 

Cyber Robot – Intermediate
– Gold: 

Cyber Robot – High School
– Gold:

Physical ComputingLower Primary
– Gold: 

Physical Computing – Upper Primary
– Gold: 

Physical Computing – Intermediate
– Gold: 

Physical Computing – High School
– Gold: 

Robot Soccer – open
– Gold: 

IRO 2024 Winners

Creative Category – Junior Low
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Creative Category Junior High
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech:   

Creative Category – Senior Low
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Creative Category Senior High
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech:   

Creative Idea – Junior Low
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Creative Idea Junior High
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech:   

Creative Idea – Senior Low
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Creative Idea Senior High
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech:   

Robot in Movie – Junior Low
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Robot in Movie – Junior Low
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Robot in Movie – Senior Low
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Robot in Movie – Senior High
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Physical Computing – Junior Low
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech:

Physical Computing – Junior High
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: 

Physical Computing – Senior 
– Gold: 
– Silver: 
– Bronze: 
– Tech: