Social Human Robot Interaction
Ho Seok Anh, Elizabeth Broadbent and Bruce MacDonald have been working on a number of projects which explore Human Robot interactions. In the most recent and current project CARES has been working on a five year, multi-institution project, funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) from the government of the Republic of Korea. The project titled:
“Development of Social Robot Intelligence for Social Human-Robot Interaction of Service Robots”. Led by principal investigator Dr Ho Seok Ahn, this project combines expertise from engineering and psychological medicine. The University of Auckland is the only non-Korean partner in the research collaboration, joining Korea’s largest research centres: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) and top universities Hanyang University, Ewha Womens University and University of Seoul. The CARES team will investigate and develop interactive social skills for the robot including perception, decision, and expression, and apply the skills to a receptionist robot and a healthcare robot system.