
IJCC 2020 awards

IJCC 2020 awards

Congratulations to our students Igor Markovic and David Smith on getting the Best Paper Award at the 6th International Joint Conference on Convergence (IJCC 2020). Igor and David have been working on our GoCart Logistics Project (Yujin Robot) in the final year as...

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Inspiring future Pasifika roboticists!

Inspiring future Pasifika roboticists!

This week CARES hosted the PASI (Pasifika in IT Advocates for Students in IT) Mentoring Programme. Thirty young people from schools in South Auckland (Otara, Papatoetoe, Mangere and Otahuhu), and their families had the opportunity to visit The University of Auckland...

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Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden, the Marsden Fund success

Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden, the Marsden Fund success

Our researchers Associate Professor Andrew McDaid and Dr Marama Muru-Lanning and Dr Keri Mills have successfully been awarded prestigious research funding from the Royal Society. Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden, the Marsden Fund, has allocated $83.671 million (excluding...

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1st place at IROS

1st place at IROS

1st place at IROS Congratulations to Dr. Minas Liarokapis and his team of students on winning the Manufacturing track in the Grasping and Manipulation Challenge of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). The award is 3000 USD for...

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Are we future ready for Robotics?

Are we future ready for Robotics?

Are we future ready for Robotics? CARES at the Future Ready Summit 2019 Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED), recently undertook research to understand the future of work for Auckland, and on the 26th June, research findings, expertise and insight...

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